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Alternative Medicine 



It is an ancient medical system primarily based on maintaining wellness and balance in life. According to this approach, health is connected to balance and energy (qi) that flows through 14 channels of meridians. Acupuncture is one of the ways to reestablish the “qi” flow. Other treatment modalities include herbs; dietary manipulations; qigong – gentle exercise composed of movements that are typically repeated, strengthening and stretching the body, increasing fluid movement, enhancing proprioception, and improving the awareness of how the body moves through space; Tai Chi – similar to qigong, involves slow movements and deep breaths and is a form of the martial arts.



It is an ancient medical system that originated in India. The word “Ayurveda” is a conjugation of two Sanskrit words and means “science of life”. According to this approach, everything in the universe in connected. The goal is to balance the mind, body, and spirit through a variety of diets, herbs and yoga, and meditation. 



Homeopathy or Homeopathic Medicine embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick. It treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a diseased part. The word “Homeopathy” comes from the Greek, through Latin into English, and means “like disease”. Its first principle is “let likes cure likes” and it dates back to the Greek Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, but it was German physician Hahnemann who first codified this principle into the system of medicine. The second homeopathy principle is “the minimum dose”. The third one using one remedy at a time. 


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